Do you ever feel like you’re standing on one of those “people movers” in the airport?
You step up onto the walkway and the ground moves under you. It propels you forward like it knows where you should be going.
Life on autopilot.
6:30 am. Alarm goes off. You plead to the gods of sleep for 10 more minutes.
The gods are kind and grant you more rest until the alarm goes off at 6:40.
You hit the off button. Roll over. Hug your sweetheart. Get out of bed.
“Ouch, when did that happen?”. You whine a bit about some mysterious aches and pains that found a home in your body overnight.
You brush your teeth. Get dressed.
Go downstairs. Feed the cats. Make your coffee.
Go upstairs. Sit down at your desk. Read the news before the first Zoom call.
Respond to email. Zoom call. Zoom call. Respond to email. Zoom call.
Get up from your chair. Whine a little bit more about the newfound aches and pains.
Make lunch. Zoom. email. Zoom. Zoom. Make a deck. email.
6:00 pm. Walk away from the desk. Done with work for the day.
If you are lucky, you have time to get a workout in before dinner.
Watch the news. Binge on the latest must-see TV.
Brush your teeth. Climb into bed and kiss your sweetie goodnight.
Do you wonder what would happen if you didn’t set the alarm? Brush your teeth. Feed the cats and do the whole Zoom, email, PPT routine?
I’m not talking about doing it all at once. Of course, you can’t do that. You are a grown-up with grown-up responsibilities. You have to brush your teeth, otherwise your sweetie won’t want to kiss you.
But what if every once in a while, you didn’t go forward in a straight line and do exactly what you were supposed to do?
We call it Turning Left.
It started after we attended a live concert at a venue nearby. We were energized by the music and had fun being out in the world. We have always loved being part of a crowd and experiencing live music, but since COVID, it seems more remarkable. People who don’t know each other become best friends dancing, singing, and feeling the joy unlocked by listening to great music together.
It was Wednesday night.
Responsible people would have left the concert, gotten in their cars, and headed home. After all, Thursday is a work day.
But we didn’t do that.
We got into the car and were on our way home when somehow the car turned left. Then the car parked itself in front of the local watering hole. Oh, let’s keep the fun going. We’ll just have one. A nightcap. No harm done.
Free will? Fate? Bad judgment?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
We exited the car, wandered into the pub, and ordered “just” one drink.
Two hours later, that one drink turned into one more and one more. We closed down the place and made over a dozen friends we were sure would be in our lives forever.
When we got home, did I fall asleep in my clothes with my contact lenses in my eyes? Yes.
Did I have an excruciating headache when the piercing sound of the alarm went off the next morning? Yes.
Did I regret Turning Left? Absolutely not.
I liked the feeling of being a rebel. I did what I wanted. Not what society expected me to do. I felt free. I was proud of my ability to get off the “people mover” and chart my course.
It made me think about where else I can Turn Left in my life. What adventures are waiting for me just off my direct path?
Will I Turn Left again? For sure.
Just not on Wednesday night.
What about you?
I love how much this lifted your spirit! Feels like something a twenty year old would do LOL.